Door Intercom Installation
Seil uk ltd give you complete package deal on door intercom installation. This package deal is for domestic house door intercom installation or flats. If you want big door intercom installation such as door intercom for schools, door intercom for hotels, door intercom for collage, door intercom for nursery, door intercom for multi flats, door intercom for home, door intercom for shop, door intercom for bank, door intercom for money exchange and door intercom for hospitals. Please send us your specification we send back you our best quotation. We have our Package deal for small business or homes please select our package and book us.
1 Handset KITS
£550 + vat

- 1 Button Audio Entryphone
- 1 Audio Handset
- 1 Power Supply
- 1 year Warranty
- Installation Include
4 Handset KITS
£850 + vat

- 4 Button Audio Entryphone
- 4 Audio Handset
- 1 Power Supply
- 1 year Warranty
- Installation Include
1 Handset Video KITS
£750 + vat

- 1 Button Audio/Video Entryphone
- 1 4.3 Colour Touchscreen
- 1 Power Supply
- 1 year Warranty
- Installation Include
2 Handset KITS
£650 + vat

- 2 Button Audio Entryphone
- 2 Audio Handset
- 1 Power Supply
- 1 year Warranty
- Installation Include
5 Handset KITS
£950 + vat

- 5 Button Audio Entryphone
- 5 Audio Handset
- 1 Power Supply
- 1 year Warranty
- Installation Include
2 Handset Video KITS
£1100 + vat

- 2 Button Audio/Video Entryphone
- 2 4.3TFT colour touch screen
- 1 Power Supply
- 1 year Warranty
- Installation Include
3 Handset KITS
£750 + vat

- 3 Button Audio Entryphone
- 3 Audio Handset
- 1 Power Supply
- 1 year Warranty
- Installation Include
6 Handset KITS
£1050 + vat

- 6 Button Audio Entryphone
- 6 Audio Handset
- 1 Power Supply
- 1 year Warranty
- Installation Include
£1350 + vat

- 3 Button Audio/Video Entryphone
- 3 4.3 colour touchscreen
- 1 Power Supply
- 1 year Warranty
- Installation Include
Projects Completed
Residential Projects
Satisfied Clients